Measurement system for the mechanics parameters of porous sandy soil applied to the prototype experiment of lunar rover 月球车样机实验用的松散沙土力学参数测量系统固结参数-土力学
Effects of Sanmenxia Reservoir prototype experiment on regional water resources development 三门峡水库原型试验对区域水资源开发影响
Research on Planar Ultrasonic Motor Using Longitudinal-Bending Hybrid Modal and Driving Systems Prototype experiment and working mechanism analysis of square ultrasonic motor based on in-plane vibration mode 纵弯复合平面超声电机及驱动系统的研究面内模态方形压电超声电机的工作机理与实验
Prototype experiment and working mechanism analysis of square ultrasonic motor based on in-plane vibration mode 面内模态方形压电超声电机的工作机理与实验
Based on the prototype experiment and CFD simulation, investigates air supply characteristics of the outlet of this kind of duct. 结合原型实验和CFD模拟,对新型列车风道风口的送风特性进行了研究。
The prototype experiment shows that the electromagnet design is reasonable and practicable, with reference value. 通过样机试验证明,介绍的电磁设计方法合理,具有参考价值。
In order to lower elevation at Tongguan, the prototype experiment has been made with various measures. 为了降低潼关高程,采取了多项措施进行原型试验。
As an example theoretical calculation and prototype experiment for S7-200/ 10 type transformer are carried out. Results show that the proposed method is reliable and it can be used for analysis and design for earthquake resistance of transformer. 以S7&200/10型变压器为实例,进行了理论计算和原型实验,结果表明,本文的分析方法是可靠的,可以用于变压器抗震设计分析。
Computer simulation and prototype experiment made clear that each index of this actuator could satisfy the aircraft's demand. 计算机仿真和样机实验均表明,本作动器的各项指标均能满足某飞行器的要求。
One prototype experiment and seven model experiments are carried out to validate the similarity criteria. 为了验证相似准则,进行了1发原型试验和7发模型试验。
The prototype experiment results prove the validation of it. 最后,用原型实验证实了方法的可行性。
Combined with computer simulation and prototype experiment, its application in the induction heating, was deeply investigated in this dissertation. 本文采用了计算机仿真与实验结合的方法,深入研究了矩阵式变换器在感应加热上的应用,为矩阵变换器应用领域的拓展奠定了基础。
To implement the proposed idea, a simple control strategy and system design is presented in this paper. A case study for an adjustable-speed AC motor drive is demonstrated by means of a prototype experiment to prove its performance and effectiveness. 本文中,我们采用了一个简单的控制方法及系统设计,通过对一交流调速电机驱动器的原型实验,验证了该方法的有效性。
The mathematical model of brushless wire-wound asynchronous motor has been derived according to two-axis theory of asynchronous motor, and steady state characteristics have been simulated? contrasted with prototype experiment and analyzed, the control law of this motor has been obtained. 根据异步电动机的双轴理论,导出无刷绕线型异步电动机的数学模型,并对稳态特性进行了仿真计算、样机实验对比及分析,得出该电机的控制规律。
The prototype experiment shows that the scheme is feasible and has some applicability. 样机实验表明设计方案切实可行,具有一定的适用性。
Finally, the results of simulation and prototype experiment verify the rationality and effectiveness of the compound control strategy, which greatly improves the tracking ability, dynamic performance and stability of DVR system. 实验结果也表明复合控制策略能提高DVR系统的动态性能、跟随性和稳定性。
We describe the whole structure, components and flow of this framework in detail, and the prototype experiment on the wireless network which we have accomplished shows that the framework are practical, efficient, distributed and scalable. 该文详细描述了整体结构,各部功能及工作流程,并在一个无线局域网中进行了原型实验,结果证明本系统实用,高效,分布和可扩展。
With mature finite element analysis software the proper suggestions could be provided for engineering design and field prototype experiment of prestressed concrete beams. 本文目的在于借助成熟的有限元分析软件,通过对大跨度预应力钢筋混凝土梁进行仿真分析,及时地为工程设计和现场实体试验提供经济、准确的依据和指导。
The validity of the winding switch operation of the BDCM is verified through theoretical analysis and prototype experiment. 通过理论分析和样机试验证明了绕组换接的有效性。
So the expected purpose of the prototype experiment is achieved, the correctness of the theory study is proved. 通过实验测试表明,实验结果与仿真结果吻合良好,样机实验达到了预期的效果,证明了理论研究的正确性。
Study on space docking hybrid simulation prototype experiment system 空间对接半物理仿真原型实验系统研究
As and example theoretical calculation and prototype experiment for S7-200/ 10 type transformer are carried out. 文中提供了一种可供变压器结构抗震分析的方法,并以S7-200/10型变压器为例进行了理论计算和原型实验。
The thermal field simulation and the prototype experiment result validate feasibility of the cooling topology. 温度场仿真结果和样机的试验情况都证实了该能量变换器冷却结构的冷却效果。
The stress computed from the model goes well with the result of prototype experiment. This confirms the validity of the method. 以此模型进行分析计算得到的应力与原型试验结果符合良好,验证此方法的有效性。
The stresses on test points in the surface of the cast steel joint were gained from prototype experiment. 通过铸钢球节点结构的实体试验,得到表面各测点应力测试值。
Through the prototype experiment it verifies the authenticity and reliability of the simulation. 通过对样机的实验,验证了仿真的真实可靠性以及快速励磁方式的有效性。
We also design a simple intercooler. Finally, a diesel engine test is benched, and we compare the performance of the prototype experiment and the prototype machine. 针对进气温度升高的特点设计了一款简单的中冷器。最后,建立了柴油机试验台架,进行了原机,样机的性能对比实验。
Important content of this thesis includes hardware circuit design, device design and selection, the controller design, device development and the prototype experiment. 论文重要内容包括硬件电路设计、器件设计与选取、控制器设计、装置开发、样机实验。
Based on the simulation model of the system and the experiment results, the thermodynamics parameters of the prototype were investigated by using regression analysis. The main reasons for the difference between the prototype experiment results and the simulation results were revealed. 利用仿真模型对样机典型工况的热力学过程进行了参数回归分析,揭示了导致样机实验数据与仿真数据差异的主要原因。
The best operation parameters was got by using the orthogonal test, its filtering performance parameters was got by the prototype experiment; water sample was tested and compared with the national urban mixed water quality standards. 利用自行设计的正交试验得到了处理装置的运行最佳参数,并制作了样机,通过样机实验得到了其过滤性能参数;对处理后水样进行了检测,并与国家城市杂用水水质标准进行了比对。